For homeowners who use candles, taking extra care can mean the difference between a comforting, pleasant experience and a damaging fire. Learn more about how the dangers of candle-based fires, as well as how to safely burn candles in your home.
If you have particular types of valuables or collections in your home, you may need to purchase additional coverage to be sure they're covered. Learn more about the kinds of possessions that may require extra protection.
Keeping a thorough inventory of your valuables is crucial in the event that you need to file a homeowner claim, or police report, in the event of a break-in. Keep reading to learn how to successfully complete a home inventory.
If you're wondering how getting married can impact your car insurance. Read on to find out how it could save you money and when it might be a good idea to keep your car insurance policies separate.
Nighttime driving comes with its own set of challenges, dangers, when accident-related death rates are three times greater. Stay stress-free and safe on the road after dark by following these helpful tips.
Adopting a pet can be exciting, but also comes with a lot of responsibility. Read on to learn whether potential damage is covered under your homeowners insurance, and tips to keep your pet from causing damage in the first place.
For those of you who prefer your fall activities to be a bit more on the spooky side, you might also enjoy learning more about the most haunted roads in the United States! Don't say we didn't warn you - these stories might just keep you up at night.
Hop in the car for a chance to see nature's beauty. Check out our list below to find out more about some of the most scenic fall foliage driving tours in the US.
Although the car insurance claim process following an accident can seem overwhelming, there are a number of ways to help the process go smoothly. These guidelines below will help you learn how to speed up your car insurance claim.
Distracted driving is defined as any behavior that takes a driver's attention away from driving. Learn more about the dangers of distracted driving and how to avoid putting yourself and others at risk.
When the roads are a bit slippery, or you're driving to fast for the conditions, you may suddenly end up in a skid. Follow these tips to safely recover from it.
Voluntarily completing a traffic school program can potentially lower your auto insurance. Learn more about what is involved, and how it can help save you money.
Police reports can be filed after a car accident, vehicle theft, or break-in, and will be crucial when filing a claim. Learn about the information contained in a police report and how to get a copy of it.
The best drivers are prepared for anything, no matter what conditions they're driving in. Be ready for any emergency by keeping these essential items in your vehicle.
Changing lanes can be stressful, especially when driving in heavy traffic. To ensure you're being as safe as possible, refresh your memory with these safety tips.
After an accident occurs, it's critical that you'll want to have clear photographic evidence of the scene. To ensure your photos are as useful as possible, follow the tips below.
Rear-end collisions account for about one-third of all collisions in the U.S. Considering the frequency of these types of accidents, read on to avoid a potentially dangerous rear-end collision.
Even the safest drivers can benefit from collision insurance, which can help protect against financial hardships resulting from a car accident. Continue reading to learn more.
Learn more about how many feet you should stay behind a car, the factors that impact safe driving distance, and the negative outcomes of tailgating slow drivers.
Want to know how do red light cameras work, and what happens if you get a ticket because of one? Keep reading to learn more, including how much they can cost you.